Clasped Hands

Are you running on empty?

Feedback is fuel.
Kindness is fuel.
Compliments are fuel.

If you’re hungry, you eat. If you’re thirsty, you drink. If you’re cold, you put a jumper on. But what about when you’re feeling low? When you’re struggling to believe in yourself, to see any positives, to remember how far you’ve come?

Do you top yourself up with reminders of your achievements? Do you take stock of the love and support around you? Do you remember where your buckets of courage are kept? Or do you keep yourself low on fumes, convincing yourself that running on empty is the only option for you.

I reached out to someone recently, and I’m so glad I did. It reminded me of the importance of being seen, heard, and accepted—even in our most vulnerable moments. The simple act of reconnecting was enough to top me up again. And that shouldn’t be an afterthought or a luxury. Just like eating, drinking, and staying warm, nourishing ourselves emotionally needs to be mandatory.

In the helping and safeguarding and helping professions, we’re often so focused on others that we don’t notice when our own tank is running low. Whether it’s emotional nourishment, practical support, or resilience, we keep pushing forward—until we’re running on fumes. But here’s the thing: is that self-care or self-harm?

Pushing through exhaustion, ignoring your own needs, and denying yourself rest—that’s not resilience, that’s survival mode. True resilience comes from knowing when to refuel, when to pause, and when to ask for help. It’s about recognising the difference between enduring and thriving.

So, instead of depriving yourself, find the abundant places and fill up. Give yourself permission to refuel—until the next pit stop, and the one after that.

Reignite your passion – Remind yourself why you started.
Reframe your mindset – See self-care as essential, not indulgent.
Redefine your purpose – Check in with your goals and adjust if needed.
Restore balance – Because running on fumes isn’t sustainable.

This is where life coaching comes in. Sometimes, we need someone to remind us of our own value, to help us see what we’ve been too exhausted to recognise. A life coach offers that space—to refuel, reflect, and realign. Coaching helps you reconnect with your purpose, set boundaries, and create a plan that moves you forward—without burning out.

So, ask yourself: are you running on empty? And if so, isn’t it time to stop, refuel, and plan your journey—on your terms?

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